It seems to me, that every day, I endure this in some form or another - especially in the work place. You wouldn't believe some of the petty crap that goes on in this place - and I try so hard to just do my work and stay out of the bull.....Today - was extremely difficult - so I found myself looking for a prayer for those who stab you in the back - and came across this article. I can so relate - to both the "back stabber" and the "one upper". I am really struggling with it today - and I ask God to please help me let go of the frustration that I feel over this today. I know that I am not perfect - I never claim to be - I am but a lowly sinner and servant of God, and as I watch people and observe some of the behavior - I pray to God humbly to not allow me to be like that, and I pray to God to deliver them. Today - however - I am finding it so hard - I even thought at one point that I would rather find another job than deal with the pettiness of some of the people in this office. The ridiculous part about even thinking that, is the fact that I have been here for almost 10 years, and I love this company. We actually even got Thanksgiving bonuses today -and after the year that we have had, and especially with me being out on medical leave and all of my recent issues, I certainly didn't expect to receive any kind of bonus. I am so very thankful, because it actually covered the medical expenses for Fischer yesterday, and I am so grateful. SSL has been so good to me over the years, and I hate that I would even entertain a thought like that. Dear God - Help me to remove these crazy thoughts from my head and concentrate on what is important - my JOB, and being your loyal and faithful servant!!
When Someone Stabs You In The Back……
How many of us have ever had someone stab us in the back?
A friend? A coworker? An ex-boyfriend/girlfriend? A possible family member? Or even a complete stranger?
And how did we feel when they very first did so?
Our first reaction was likely shock and anger, followed by a sense of hurt, resentment & disillusionment. In our younger day, we might’ve thought of *revenge tactics* to get back at them. But in our older day, we come to realize that two wrongs don’t make a right and also that there’s usually something going on with a person psychologically or emotionally if they hurt someone like that.
But you got to realize something. Nine times out of ten, it’s not ABOUT you. It’s really about them and their character. Many people who feel insecure in their own lives will go about trying to put down other people trying to make themselves feel better. But that doesn’t mean you have to partake in their drama. No. You can be better than that.
When Jesus Christ died on the cross for forgiveness of mankind’s sins, he KNEW how humans would be like after that. He knew the future in which “mens’ heart will grow cold, love will wax thin, each to their own”. Jesus Christ KNEW that many people, in the End of Days, would stab each other in the back and constantly try to “one up” one another.
And though there is the popular saying “don’t get mad, get EVEN”, Jesus Christ would say “I understand if you’re mad/hurt about this but don’t let your anger get the best of you and do NOT get even”. The Lord God said in the bible “leave vengeance up to me, for vengeance is mine!”
And there’s a quote in the movie “Jesus: The Greatest Story Ever Told” (starring Jeremy Sisto as Jesus) that I really think drives the point home. When the character Judas Iscariot wants to go on a *revolutionary rampage* to try to free the people of Israel from the Romans, Jesus (Jeremy Sisto) turns to him and says “is your Israel free now that these men are dead?” (referring to Roman soldiers). The character Judas Iscariot then says “no”. So Jesus (Jeremy Sisto) says “then pick up your cross and follow me and I will show you how to be free”.
In other words, if we HATE someone that hurt us, then the only person we’re hurting is ourselves. It takes SO much time and mental energy to HATE someone. But it takes very little time and energy to try to forgive someone. Afterall, we’re all human, we ALL make mistakes. And besides, that person might not have realized they’ve hurt us. And if they hurt us *intentionally*, well, then it’s really themselves that they’re hurting. Cause no true person in their RIGHT MIND would have to go to such great lengths to hurt someone unless they themselves were hurting from within.
Though some people that LIKE to “one up” people seem to feel pretty good about themselves from the onset. But lets face it. No truly CONFIDENT person would have to hurt someone in order to prove their worth. For if they were TRULY confident in themselves, they wouldn’t HAVE to prove anything, see? Because they’d technically already KNOW their self-worth, without having to prove or justify it.
But I see that type of behavior in people all the time. Female friends try to steal each other’s boyfriends. Brothers try to steal their brothers’ girlfriend(s). Children/teens are rude/mean to their parents or vice versa. Coworkers try to rip each other to shreds when the boss is not looking. Ex-boyfriends and girlfriends acting all “catty” with one another, trying to make one another jealous…Or even people on Youtube MAJORLY mocking others on Youtube, even.
We are now living in the End of Days and what Jesus Christ said in Matthew 24:12-13 (New Testament, book of Matthew, chapter24, verse 12-13)”And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved”.
Part of the Lord’s prayer states “please forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us”.
“So what does THAT mean?”, you may ask yourselves.
It means that if WE want to be forgiven by Jesus Christ for all the wrong things that WE ourselves have ever said or done throughout our lifetime, that WE must forgive OTHERS that have said or done wrong/hurtful things towards US.
And I know that’s easier said than done. But the good thing about the Lord Jesus Christ is that he will ALWAYS answer a sincere prayer.
If there’s someone in your life who has majorly hurt you and you’re having trouble forgiving that person, then take it to Jesus. Pray to him “Lord, I’m still very hurt and angry over this person who has hurt me. Please help me with forgiving this person as I am still struggling with that. I don’t WANT to hate this person or be mad at them anymore. Please help me Lord. Amen” and the Lord will slowly help you forgive that person. And once you truly forgive a person and are able to move on with your life, it is the most peaceful, happiest feeling in the world. It’s like the Lord Jesus Christ has set your soul free from the *sinful bondage* of hate/resentment/anger.
See, cause if you CONTINUE to hate someone for hurting you without forgiving them, not ONLY will Jesus Christ not forgive YOU for all YOUR sins throughout your lifetime but the hate and resentment will just eat AWAY at you, night and day. Sooner or later, you will start to hate everything and EVERYONE. You will become extremely pessimistic and bitter and find no joy in ANYTHING. Your life will hardly seem worth living.
But if you can learn to forgive someone for hurting you (with the Lord Jesus’s divine help, ofcourse), then your soul will be SET FREE from all that *negative energy* trying to weigh you down. You will feel relaxed, as if a HUGE weight has been lifted off your shoulders. You will feel content and free and joyous in the Lord and joyous in your life. Plus you will be better able to start preaching the gospel again and maybe even having some more opportunities to spread the gospel. Your spirit will feel *spiritually revived*.
Sometimes people are depressed and got problems in their life. So they subconsciously try to hurt or lie to others to try to make themselves feel better. Yet, others are sometimes jealous of what we have and what they feel they do NOT have. But regardless the reason, NEVER let it get to you! Not only does Jesus Christ sav we must FORGIVE the people that hurt us in our lifetime but we must also PRAY for them.
We must pray that Satan will lose his grip on their souls and that the Lord will open up their eyes and make them see what they are doing and why it is wrong.
And ya know what? Many a Satanist, Wiccan, Atheist, Scientist, Agnostic, criminal, etc. were brought to faith in God by the DILIGENT prayers of the loved ones and/or Christians around them. So never say never. For NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH THE LORD!
Remember that section of the Old Testament that talks about Abraham and his wife Sarai and how God told Abraham that his wife Sarai was to have a baby (even in her old age?) And how both she and Abraham laughed at the idea on separate occasions and of how God said “why do you laugh? Is everything not possible in my mighty great name?” or something along those lines.
On the other hand, we should never TOLERATE repeated bad behavior from others. There’s a difference between forgiving someone and getting out of a bad situation.
But no matter the situation, one thing is clear. Jesus Christ hears ALL the prayers of his faithful (those who strive to live by his standards in the bible and beyond).
Even if you DO resent someone right now or you feel like you’re 20 million miles away from Jesus Christ right now, or him from you, pray to be restored to him. Pray that he’ll help you forgive people or overcome whatever sin you’re struggling with right now. Time is of the essence.
The sooner you forgive people in your life, and the sooner you become restored to Jesus Christ again, the better.
I pray for all the souls that read this and pray that each soul that reads this is either brought back to Jesus Christ or comes to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ before it’s too late and their souls are lost for eternity. Amen.
So - what does the Bible say about Backstabbers? I found the following verses on another website that I should reflect on a bit
A friend? A coworker? An ex-boyfriend/girlfriend? A possible family member? Or even a complete stranger?
And how did we feel when they very first did so?
Our first reaction was likely shock and anger, followed by a sense of hurt, resentment & disillusionment. In our younger day, we might’ve thought of *revenge tactics* to get back at them. But in our older day, we come to realize that two wrongs don’t make a right and also that there’s usually something going on with a person psychologically or emotionally if they hurt someone like that.
But you got to realize something. Nine times out of ten, it’s not ABOUT you. It’s really about them and their character. Many people who feel insecure in their own lives will go about trying to put down other people trying to make themselves feel better. But that doesn’t mean you have to partake in their drama. No. You can be better than that.
When Jesus Christ died on the cross for forgiveness of mankind’s sins, he KNEW how humans would be like after that. He knew the future in which “mens’ heart will grow cold, love will wax thin, each to their own”. Jesus Christ KNEW that many people, in the End of Days, would stab each other in the back and constantly try to “one up” one another.
And though there is the popular saying “don’t get mad, get EVEN”, Jesus Christ would say “I understand if you’re mad/hurt about this but don’t let your anger get the best of you and do NOT get even”. The Lord God said in the bible “leave vengeance up to me, for vengeance is mine!”
And there’s a quote in the movie “Jesus: The Greatest Story Ever Told” (starring Jeremy Sisto as Jesus) that I really think drives the point home. When the character Judas Iscariot wants to go on a *revolutionary rampage* to try to free the people of Israel from the Romans, Jesus (Jeremy Sisto) turns to him and says “is your Israel free now that these men are dead?” (referring to Roman soldiers). The character Judas Iscariot then says “no”. So Jesus (Jeremy Sisto) says “then pick up your cross and follow me and I will show you how to be free”.
In other words, if we HATE someone that hurt us, then the only person we’re hurting is ourselves. It takes SO much time and mental energy to HATE someone. But it takes very little time and energy to try to forgive someone. Afterall, we’re all human, we ALL make mistakes. And besides, that person might not have realized they’ve hurt us. And if they hurt us *intentionally*, well, then it’s really themselves that they’re hurting. Cause no true person in their RIGHT MIND would have to go to such great lengths to hurt someone unless they themselves were hurting from within.
Though some people that LIKE to “one up” people seem to feel pretty good about themselves from the onset. But lets face it. No truly CONFIDENT person would have to hurt someone in order to prove their worth. For if they were TRULY confident in themselves, they wouldn’t HAVE to prove anything, see? Because they’d technically already KNOW their self-worth, without having to prove or justify it.
But I see that type of behavior in people all the time. Female friends try to steal each other’s boyfriends. Brothers try to steal their brothers’ girlfriend(s). Children/teens are rude/mean to their parents or vice versa. Coworkers try to rip each other to shreds when the boss is not looking. Ex-boyfriends and girlfriends acting all “catty” with one another, trying to make one another jealous…Or even people on Youtube MAJORLY mocking others on Youtube, even.
We are now living in the End of Days and what Jesus Christ said in Matthew 24:12-13 (New Testament, book of Matthew, chapter24, verse 12-13)”And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved”.
Part of the Lord’s prayer states “please forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us”.
“So what does THAT mean?”, you may ask yourselves.
It means that if WE want to be forgiven by Jesus Christ for all the wrong things that WE ourselves have ever said or done throughout our lifetime, that WE must forgive OTHERS that have said or done wrong/hurtful things towards US.
And I know that’s easier said than done. But the good thing about the Lord Jesus Christ is that he will ALWAYS answer a sincere prayer.
If there’s someone in your life who has majorly hurt you and you’re having trouble forgiving that person, then take it to Jesus. Pray to him “Lord, I’m still very hurt and angry over this person who has hurt me. Please help me with forgiving this person as I am still struggling with that. I don’t WANT to hate this person or be mad at them anymore. Please help me Lord. Amen” and the Lord will slowly help you forgive that person. And once you truly forgive a person and are able to move on with your life, it is the most peaceful, happiest feeling in the world. It’s like the Lord Jesus Christ has set your soul free from the *sinful bondage* of hate/resentment/anger.
See, cause if you CONTINUE to hate someone for hurting you without forgiving them, not ONLY will Jesus Christ not forgive YOU for all YOUR sins throughout your lifetime but the hate and resentment will just eat AWAY at you, night and day. Sooner or later, you will start to hate everything and EVERYONE. You will become extremely pessimistic and bitter and find no joy in ANYTHING. Your life will hardly seem worth living.
But if you can learn to forgive someone for hurting you (with the Lord Jesus’s divine help, ofcourse), then your soul will be SET FREE from all that *negative energy* trying to weigh you down. You will feel relaxed, as if a HUGE weight has been lifted off your shoulders. You will feel content and free and joyous in the Lord and joyous in your life. Plus you will be better able to start preaching the gospel again and maybe even having some more opportunities to spread the gospel. Your spirit will feel *spiritually revived*.
Sometimes people are depressed and got problems in their life. So they subconsciously try to hurt or lie to others to try to make themselves feel better. Yet, others are sometimes jealous of what we have and what they feel they do NOT have. But regardless the reason, NEVER let it get to you! Not only does Jesus Christ sav we must FORGIVE the people that hurt us in our lifetime but we must also PRAY for them.
We must pray that Satan will lose his grip on their souls and that the Lord will open up their eyes and make them see what they are doing and why it is wrong.
And ya know what? Many a Satanist, Wiccan, Atheist, Scientist, Agnostic, criminal, etc. were brought to faith in God by the DILIGENT prayers of the loved ones and/or Christians around them. So never say never. For NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH THE LORD!

Remember that section of the Old Testament that talks about Abraham and his wife Sarai and how God told Abraham that his wife Sarai was to have a baby (even in her old age?) And how both she and Abraham laughed at the idea on separate occasions and of how God said “why do you laugh? Is everything not possible in my mighty great name?” or something along those lines.
On the other hand, we should never TOLERATE repeated bad behavior from others. There’s a difference between forgiving someone and getting out of a bad situation.
But no matter the situation, one thing is clear. Jesus Christ hears ALL the prayers of his faithful (those who strive to live by his standards in the bible and beyond).
Even if you DO resent someone right now or you feel like you’re 20 million miles away from Jesus Christ right now, or him from you, pray to be restored to him. Pray that he’ll help you forgive people or overcome whatever sin you’re struggling with right now. Time is of the essence.
The sooner you forgive people in your life, and the sooner you become restored to Jesus Christ again, the better.
I pray for all the souls that read this and pray that each soul that reads this is either brought back to Jesus Christ or comes to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ before it’s too late and their souls are lost for eternity. Amen.
So - what does the Bible say about Backstabbers? I found the following verses on another website that I should reflect on a bit
But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
Proverbs 23:6-8 ESV / 25 helpful votes
Do not eat the bread of a man who is stingy; do not desire his delicacies, for he is like one who is inwardly calculating. “Eat and drink!” he says to you, but his heart is not with you. You will vomit up the morsels that you have eaten, and waste your pleasant words.Proverbs 16:28 ESV / 24 helpful votes
A dishonest man spreads strife, and a whisperer separates close friends.1 Peter 2:1-25 ESV / 21 helpful votes
So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander. Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation— if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good. As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. ...Psalm 110:1 ESV / 10 helpful votes
A Psalm of David. The Lord says to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.”Ephesians 4:26 ESV / 5 helpful votes
Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger,John 8:32 ESV / 5 helpful votes
And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”Psalm 56:1-13 ESV / 4 helpful votes
To the choirmaster: according to The Dove on Far-off Terebinths. A Miktam of David, when the Philistines seized him in Gath. Be gracious to me, O God, for man tramples on me; all day long an attacker oppresses me; my enemies trample on me all day long, for many attack me proudly. When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me? All day long they injure my cause; all their thoughts are against me for evil. ...2 Timothy 3:16 ESV / 2 helpful votes
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,1 Thessalonians 5:21 ESV / 2 helpful votes
But test everything; hold fast what is good. So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.
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