Sunday, January 1, 2017

Wake up...make up!! Welcome 2017!!

Everybody says it.....every year.....New Year....New Me ...yet most times we fall short and fail miserably at our new year's resolutions.  This year....I'm not making resolutions.  I'm making promises to myself....many at least if I fall short, I can look back on those promises and realize that I am NOT a failure...and cross off the ones I managed to accomplish, and revisit the ones that I did not.  Perhaps the ones that I did not accomplish were not as important as I thought they were.  Perhaps I didn't try hard enough....perhaps its just not what God had planned for me.

Far too often, we look at our failures instead of our accomplishments.  I am the worst.

  I'm not pretty enough, I'm not skinny enough, Im not interesting, or funny, and most times, not really even good company. I'm not the best mother....I expect too much from my children and don't know how to live a life where I am not needed. I'm resentful towards those who have left me behind or hurt me, and when something bad happens, the words "Karma is a bitch" taste like vinegar as they fall from my mouth. I think it...and within the same thought beg God's forgiveness and beg him to remove the ugly thoughts and feelings from my heart. I'm terrible with money, I make poor choices, and give others far too many "second" chances.  I isolate myself because of fear of being rejected, and I stand frozen....afraid to branch out and try new things for fear of failure.  I do my best to live a God driven life, but fall short daily.  My prayer life is phenominal when things are bad...I rest comfortably in my Father's unconditionally loving arms when I need comfort...but falter when things go well.  I search endlessly for purpose, but when I find none....I bury my head in the comfort and safety of my bed, wasting each day and each possibility for fulfillment that God continually provides.
I - AM HUMAN....and not a very good one at that.

So...this year - instead of making resolutions...I make promises. Promises to be a better me...the one God has intended for me to be.  Promises to be a better Mother, Friend, and promises to do my best to see myself with the eyes that God see's me.







Thank you heavenly father for bringing me through another year, and for each day that you give me the opportunity to be who you have designed me to be.


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Law of Supply

It's been a few months, and I honestly find myself suprised that I am sitting at this keyboard at 2 am.  Sleep has escaped me for days, and despite the peace and joy I have found here in my new home, the last several days have been excruciatingly painful. The craziest part of my pain, is that my Father God has blessed me in so many ways, that I feel at best shameful for allowing myself to sink so far into my own hurt. Not that my feelings are invalid or insignificant, but the cold, hard truth is that the world does not revolve around me, an while I know that I have been giving, caring, compassionate, and generous to a fault....I certainly don't deserve any accolades for simply "passing on" the blessings that Father has bestowed upon me. Most ashamedly, I have imprisoned myself in my own mind for the last 10 days....feeling alone...wallowing in my own self pity, and feeling as though I deserved better than what has been given me.  I've cried, I've stayed in bed for days...only surfacing for a minor surgical procedure, to eat a scarce meal or two, and trips to the bathroom. I have to explain my situation in order to explain my here goes.

My abandonment issues run deep.  They have for years, and I have unfortunately allowed them to play a huge role in many of the most important decisions in my life.  If you have read my previous blog posts, you already know many of the issues I have faced, and Father God - I don't need to tell already know. My psychosis has reared it's ugly head and come out in full force this holiday season, and I suppose that the biggest factor is that for the first time in my life, I am faced with being away from my Children for Christmas.  My children have always been my reason for living. My daughter...strong, intelligent, independant...the kind of daughter that makes one proud to be her mother, and my son...strong, free thinking and non conforming....with a love for his mother that could never be surpassed by any other earthly love.  God definitely blessed me with those two...but to pretend that our loves are perfect would be a facade...and whether it be fortunate or not, Father created me a realist. Not the person that can put on a pretty face and pretend that her family is perfect or that her life is perfect or that she herself is perfect.  I definitely wear my heart on my sleeve, and it gets broken often.

This year, God blessed me abundantly, as he always has...and for the first time in my life, I was able to take my entire family on a very magical but very EXPENSIVE family vacation.  When I made the decision to sell  my home and move to Tennessee, there was only ONE thing that I wanted.  No new car, no new house....nothing material...well, as material things go....only one week. A vacation with my entire family. All together, in one place...full of magic and full of happiness. The kind of thing that dreams are made of. BEST of all...that is exactly what I got.  8 days with my children and grandchildren at Walt Disney World, blessed with the ability to give them whatever they desired, regardless of the price tag.  You see...the ability to do this, and have these memories did not have a price tag.  At least not one that I was aware of.  Sadly...I was wrong.  The vacation was magical, and having all of those that I love so dearly together, happy....was worth more than any material possession in this world.  It has been many years since we were all able to be together...happy....So what went wrong????  IT ENDED. It simply ended.  This is where the broken heart begins to shatter, and where begins my downward spiral into the rabbit hole that I call self pity.  You see, in the months leading up to this vacation of a life time, since I moved to Tennessee and my family is now scattered across the US, I believed that my relationship with my children had become stronger than it had been in years.  I have seen, and conversated and interacted with my children more in the last six months than even during the devastation of my cancer diagnosis and treatment.  Phone calls, skyping, texting, traveling, planning....and I relished every moment of it.  I looked forward to the video calls, phone conversations and travel to spend time with my family, and it was that, I believe, that made everything ok in my mind.  I finally felt like I had the love, respect, and closeness that I wanted and deserved from, and with my family.  As I reach this point in this is going to seem targeted, and sadly I suppose that it is....but I cannot help the way I feel, whether my feelings are justified or not, and at this point, it has to be more productive to face my feelings than to keep drowning in my own self pity and feelings of abandonment.  You see....when the vacation did the the rest of it.  I know it sounds like I'm throwing myself a pity party...but as of today, it has been a full week since I have heard any word from my daughter or my grandchildren.  No phone calls, no video chats, not even a simple comment on facebook.  Ok - go ahead and play the devil's advocate and tell me...the phone works both ways, as well as every other method of communication - so why haven't you reached out?  My answer to prove a point to myself.  I wanted to see just how long it would take before my daughter would reach out to me, now that we are not in a situation where we are planning, or traveling or vacationing or whatever the case may be.  8 days and counting.  I even had a surgical procedure on my neck 5 days ago...which I told her about, yet not even so much as a phone call to see if all went ok.  Nothing....absolutely nothing....silence.  As if, once again, I do not even exist.  Don't get me wrong - I get it...she works, takes care of her children, is a wife, a mother, and has tons of responsibilities and I admire her for that...I admire her strength, her dedication to her children and her family, and I get that I am not the center of her world...but at the very least, do I not deserve at least a phone call?  Apparently not.  This is where the true ephiphany arrives.  I have made my son miserable for the last two days....listening to me whine and cry about how unfairly I have been treated....after always giving so much, to so many, and especially after this extravagant vacation. He has counseled me and consoled me (he may not have made much of his life thus far  - but his wisdom far exceeds his years) . I was also fortunate enough that one of my God given children (by that I mean non-bilogical) took two hours out of his day yesterday to listen to me rant, and finally, today - I was able to get myself up, take my brother to the doctor, and have a somewhat productive day.  I'd been crying out to God for days to show me my purpose and show me what I am here for.

then....there it was....God calling.  Not literally calling....but showing me nonetheless....It's a book - that I purchased months ago - but have been so busy wrapped up in all of my travels and vacationing and whatever I had been wrapped up in, that my fingers and eyes hadn't graced the pages of in months.  After I stripped the bedding from my bed, there it was....most nights I would tell myself that I will read tomorrow....I'm too tired....but not this night.

December 5 - Law of Supply

The first law of giving is of the spirit world.  Give to all you meet, or whose lives touch yours, of your prayers, your time, yourselves, your live, your thought.  You must practice this giving first.  THEN give of this world's goods and money, as you have them given to you.

ding ding ding ding ding!!!!  Survey says top answer!  It was as if a light bulb had suddenly illuminated in my head. There is no amount of financial or worldly goods that I can give ANYONE that will fill the emptiness that I feel in my heart.  I had to sit back and ask myself the obvious....yes - you have given to many financially and materially....but WHAT HAVE YOU GIVEN OF YOURSELF?  It has been far too long, and I have given far too little.  I have only given what God had blessed me with in the first place. I didn't NEED that vacation, my children didn't need that vacation, they don't NEED me to provide for them and shower them with gifts and material things. The fact is that they don't NEED me at all anymore...but there are people that do, and there is a purpose for my existance.  My mind is filled quickly with flashes of all the photos and news footage of all of the people who's lives have been devastated by the fires in Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg, and how much opportunity there is to actually GIVE OF MYSELF...and I bow my head in shame yet rejoice and praise God for showing me what will fill my heart.  

   With a clear view of the path I am to follow, I thank you Father....for your many blessings, and for giving me the ability to bless others.  Please bless and keep my children and family safe and protect them from anything that is not of and from you,  Forgive me Father for my sins, those that I committ knowingly and those that I do not even realize I have committed.  All glory and praise is yours, Let me follow thy will so that my life will be a testament to your Glory.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

She loves the smell of coffee, bloomed roses, and new beginnings

It's been over a year since I have had the time, mental focus, or energy to blog...but sleep escapes me here I sit....I'm gonna be worthless at my 8 am workout!!!

Image result for quotes about change

Many changes have come about since my last post...some grueling, and some awesomely exciting!!

The biggest and best so far - is that I am now a transplant!  Texan by birth - Tennessean by choice!!!  After several years of trying to keep up with a messy marriage, a too-large home, a grueling job, and a kiddo that I needed to cut the umbilical cord from....I retired, sold my house, and finally found my peace in Rutledge, TN.  My brother has been here for 17 years, and I can't for the life of me figure out why it took me so long!!! Leaving Houston meant leaving many friends and family, however, at this point in my life, I finally nutted up and did what was best for me.  

Image result for tennessee girl images

I've been traveling for the majority of the year, and still not finished....two more trips to go...but those are for future posts.  I absolutely MUST sleep....gym at 8, more work on my "apartment", and Game Day Party - TN vs.'s gonna be a heart stopper!!!

Love and Peace !


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Aaaarrrgggghhh.... Fooled again!!!!

Well... At least it want two years this time around! Last time I visited you all I had just gotten married and was... Well... What I thought was happy... Not quite a year later as I sit on my sisters porch in the cold blustery stupid Texas weather.... I find myself in the middle of a divorce, lacking motivation, and trying desperately to keep from drowning in my own thoughts. Crazy... Yes... Completely. I can't help but wonder where the depression comes from... The truth is life is pretty good.... Outside the fact that I lost my precious grandmother two years ago in January and I'm completely lost without her. No tears about the divorce thing folks... Another lesson well learned... Big things cone in small packages... Big lies big tempers big cheats and big addictions. None of which I care to have BIG quantities of in my life.. Enough said. I retired, or so I thought I did a few months ago... But will be going back to the corporate world after the holidays. I have discovered that I now have much more home than I can handle... Physically and financially, and if I wanna stay there... I have no choice but to go back to work... You see, I purchased My grandmother's home from her estate when she passed. All 4325 square feet of it... Now I get why she had a maid three days a week. I haven't been sitting around being lazy.... Although I must admit that I do have my down days... I was turned on to machine embroidery by my sister and I am now a sewing addict... We have a small spot at Emily's Jims gallery in downtown Bryan tx, and I have spent the last several months working feverishly to stock it for the holidays. That'd be the topic for my next post 😊 Most days I find myself at the sewing machine 12-16 hours a day.. This weekend we had an open house that ended up being a total dud because it stormed ALL freakin day 😠 on a good note, I'm with my sister.. Who always seems to comfort me... Definitely much needed girl time... My sister has not been feeling we'll either and I have to say that neither of us did much to motivate the other yesterday... And... I was supposed to drive home today.. But alas, the blustery weather soon changed that to a no go. I've lain on the couch for most of the day with the exception of a quick trip to town for a late lunch and a quick in and out at the fabric store. I tried to lay back down and rest... But rest escapes me now as I cannot get the thoughts of what I should be doing out of my head. Taking care of my body, and my mind as well as my daily responsibilities.. By damn it.... I AM a star.... But I'm sure not acting like one 😕 time to make a change and as MJ would say... Im starting with the (wo)man in the mirror.... Ready for a road trip?

Monday, July 20, 2015

I AM a Star -.....It's about time I shine!!!

OMG...has it seriously been two years since I have put my thoughts on paper?  I guess that time flies when you are having fun right?  Ok - Im not gonna lie - lots of cool things in 2 years - but plenty not so much.

There is so much to tell that I dont even know where to start - but I will tell you that the pain, depression, and the weight gain are back full force,  That's why I am here today,

So - Instead of cartwheeling all over the board today - I am going to focus on one thing and one thing only...


It has been many many years - 10 or so at least - since I crowned myself with that lovely title, but here I it with a Bacon Tiara, and a cake pop Scepter, wearing clothing that is two sizes larger than I wore less than 8 months ago.....wanna see???  Ok - Here we go

Pretty Skinny me (even though the hair was a wig)

Fat Piglet Me....and handsome husband who I tower over =(

Yeah yeah - I don't even want to hear it - I have officially become one of those couples where people look at the guy and say oh my gosh,,,he's so handsome, what in the world is he doing with that COW???

Fortunately for me - my husband truly does love me as I am....We have known each other for over 20 years, but that's a story for another time.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Anticipation!!!! I feel like a Ketchup Bottle!!!!

Well Folks - after 10 long years of dedicated service to Sea Shipping, I am finally moving upward and onward.  Tomorrow is my last day at Sea Shipping, and I start a new job and a whole new set of challenges with Intermarine USA.  The whole thing is so bittersweet for me.  Sea Shipping has been my family for 10 years now - has stood beside me and supported me during my cancer treatment, and has been quite a landmark in my professional history. This is the longest that I have ever stayed with any company in my entire professional career.  Somewhat sad over leaving =(  However!!!  On a good note, the new company is HUGE...much room for advancement, AND I got a 10,000 dollar pay raise! Can't beat that with a stick!!  Additionally - I will be working with hundreds of new people - which will give me a HUGE opportunity to expand my social life!  On top of that - our offices will be moving downtown soon, which is only 12 miles from my home, only HALF the distance that I drive now, plus...I will no longer have to pay the toll fees - which will save me 40.00 a month!  There are nothing but benefits!  I am scared - I have to's a new set of challenges, and I will definitely be stepping out of my comfort zone...but I think this is EXACTLY what I need emotionally at this point.  Oh, and did I mention - that there is a full gym in the hi-rise building that we are moving to - that we have FREE access to???  Yup!! No excuse for not working out anymore!  I have to admit - that it is hard to sit here and work - I just dont want to - perhaps because I know that I am leaving - but...I just keep telling myself...plug on - plug on....tomorrow is the start of a new chapter in your life...God is Good!!!!!
New Office Building!!!

Gym in the Building! Free Access!
Exercise and Fitness here we come!!!

My office view from the East!

My Office view from the South!!!


Monday, April 22, 2013

With the Right Pair of Shoes, a girl can accomplish anything....Even Curtis Stone thinks so!!!!

Guys - I had the most wonderful experience of a lifetime yesterday!!! My precious daughter is a professional can find her at!!! She totally scored a pair of VIP passes to the cooking show and book signing with Celebrity Chef Curtis Stone yesterday. For those of you that don't know him - here's a little bio! Most of you that know him, probably know him from his guest appearances on TV's "The Biggest Loser"
Curtis Stone (born 4 November 1975) is an Australian celebrity chef, author and television personality, nicknamed "The Quiet Terminator"[1][2] by fans following his performance on The Celebrity Apprentice 3.

He was born in Melbourne, Australia. Stone began cooking with his grandmother at the age of five. He attended Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School. His father, Bryan Stone, is an accountant.[citation needed]

Stone studied for a Bachelor of Business degree before deciding to pursue a career as a chef.[3] He worked at some top Australian restaurants before leaving to work at various restaurants in London. In Australia, he debuted his cooking career at age 18 at the Savoy Hotel.[4] On completing his qualifications as a chef, Stone began cooking in London under Marco Pierre White at the Café Royal and Mirabelle.[5] He went on to become head chef at White's Quo Vadis where he worked with James Robertson who went on to own the London Steakhouse Company with Marco Pierre White.

[edit] TelevisionStone returned briefly to Australia to make the travelling cooking show Surfing the Menu (on ABC TV) with another chef, Ben O'Donoghue.[6]

Stone had appeared on a number of cooking programmes in the UK, including Dinner in a Box, Good Food Live and Saturday Kitchen. He also hosted the first season of My Restaurant Rules in Australia. Beginning in May 2006, Stone hosted Take Home Chef on TLC in the United States,[7] which went on to become an international hit for TLC.[citation needed]

Stone appears regularly on NBC's Today. His second appearance in 2007 featured him visiting the home of host Meredith Vieira to teach her how to cook, as her children had complained that she did not know how.[8] On 14 January 2011, Stone co-hosted the fourth hour of Today with Hoda Kotb.[9] He has also appeared on Martha Stewart's show Martha, Access Hollywood, Lopez Tonight and The Nate Berkus Show. On 7 June 2011, Curtis was a guest on Conan, where he taught Conan O'Brien how to prepare the perfect date night meal.[10]

Stone has appeared on Food Network's Iron Chef America in the episode "Battle Skipjack Tuna," where he lost to Iron Chef Bobby Flay.[11] Stone has also appeared on several episodes of The Biggest Loser.

Stone was a candidate on The Celebrity Apprentice 3, which premiered in March 2010 and was the third installment to the celebrity version of The Apprentice. The show premiered on 14 March 2010, and Stone was fired on 16 May 2010, placing fourth out of 14 contestants. Stone has also made appearances on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and The Oprah Winfrey Show. Stone appeared on a segment of Oprah's Ultimate Australian Adventure, a four-day television event that aired in January 2011. Stone threw the talk show host a beach barbecue on Hamilton Island's Whitehaven Beach using Australia's best seafood, meats and produce.[12]

In June 2010 it was announced that Stone would join the judging and investment panel on NBC's new series America's Next Great Restaurant alongside Bobby Flay, Steve Ells and Lorena Garcia.[13] The first season aired in 2011 directly followed by the fourth edition of The Celebrity Apprentice, where Stone made a guest appearance on the first episode.[14]

In 2011, Stone became host of the third season of Bravo's Top Chef Masters, replacing Kelly Choi.[15] In January 2012, Bravo announced Stone would co-host a new culinary reality show called Around the World in 80 Plates with fellow celebrity chef Cat Cora. The series, which premiered in May 2012, follows 12 chefs competing in a culinary race across 10 countries in 44 days.[16]

Stone has appeared in ads for Coles Supermarkets, Hy-Vee[17] and Great Grains cereal. In 2011, Stone described to GQ Australia[2] his relationship with big supermarkets: "I never even thought about working for a supermarket. But there’s that feeling you get when you walk down the street and someone comes up and says, ‘You know what? We never used to cook fish in our house. Since we’ve tried that salmon recipe we have it once a week.’ The feeling that gives you is worth a million other things".[18]

In August 2012 he appeared in an episode of MasterChef Australia All-Stars.

In 2007 Stone hosted the Great Barrier Feast Culinary Masterclass event on Hamilton Island featuring other notable Australian chefs, including Geoff Jansz, Shannon Bennett, and Justin North.[19]

In 2008 Stone developed "Kitchen Solutions by Curtis Stone,"[20] a line of kitchen utensils, accessories and glassware. He also has written a series of cookbooks, including Surfing the Menu: Two Chefs, One Journey: A Fresh Food Adventure and Cooking With Curtis: Easy, Everyday and Adventurous Recipes for the Home Cook. His latest book, Relaxed Cooking with Curtis Stone: Recipes to Put You in My Favorite Mood, was released in 2009.[21][22]

In 2010, Stone gave a cooking class and demonstration at the Singapore Sun Festival.[23] In October 2010 it was announced that Stone had created recipes for in-flight meals for United Airlines.[24]

Curtis Stone is also creating recipes for West Des Moines, IA-based Hy-Vee grocery stores.[citation needed]

In 2011, he was appointed as an Ambassador for Cottage by the Sea, alongside Big Wave Surfer Jeff Rowley and Olympian Cathy Freeman. These high profile Australians have been enlisted by Cottage by the Sea as Ambassadors, who give up their own time to support the charity to raise needed funds and share why children in need deserve to have the experience of their lifetime.[citation needed]

(information from wikipedia!!!)
SSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOO back to my story!!! The weekend was totally busy - worked on Friday - took my boys out for Crawfish (yup - it's mudbug season!!) and a few Micheladas on Friday night, cleaned house, went to see "Oblivion" Saturday afternoon (it wasn't THAT great - but Tom still looks good for nearly 50...or is he already????) then went out to the Bar with a couple of girlfriends Saturday night (more Micheladas - too many =( honestly). I'm not much of a drinker, but I was feeling great Saturday night - so I drank....yeah....DRANK =( I had an awesome time though - and it felt so good to feel good enough to get out and have fun!!! Got home around midnight, and believe it or not, was up Sunday morning at 5 am!! I couldn't believe that! I went to the grocery store at 7...uuugh....I hate buying groceries!!! Actually - I love it - I just dont like spending the money! Came home, put the groceries away, and started getting dolled up for the Meet N Greet!! I had made a stop into Dot's on Saturday, thinking that I would like to buy something cute to wear - wasn't particularly thrilled with the outfit - but I loved the shoes!!!! Picked my baby girl up at 11, and off we went!!!

When we arrived at the Tanger Outlets, I thought I was going to just squeal with excitement! Actually - I think I did squeal! There were FOOD TRUCKS everywhere!!! All I could think of was the food network show "The Great Food Truck Race". I was like a kid in a candy store!!! Since I am a baker, we hit the cake ball store first - bought three - they were pretty - but I liked mine better - however - the taste was PHENOM!! Key Lime, Lemon, and Ginger Beer....I only had a bite of the key lime, none of the lemon, and I had the whole Ginger Beer one - and I gotta tell ya they were worth every last little calorie =) Next we hit the cupcake truck....mmmm....small selection, we chose the tropical cupcake - it was pretty - had a sugar surfboard on top that was cute but was not hand made, and the cupcake left a lot to be desired. The cake itself was very moist, but it was lacking something - needed some tang....a little lemon might have just done the trick! The last truck we hit was called "Pocket to Me", as you can tell by the name - everything on the menu was in a pita pocket! That one- I have to say, I really really enjoyed! I had the fried shrimp pocket, it was topped with mixed baby greens and remolaude sauce, and my daughter had the fish pocket, which was fried cod topped with cole slaw. It was absoloutely delish!!!

After we finished stuffing our pie holes, we checked in at the VIP desk next to the stage where the cooking demonstration was to take place. It was so neat - we got these nifty laniards that had Curtis's photo on them, and stated in BIG BOLD LETTERS - VIP ACCESS. Was so cool - we got to sit in reserved seating - just a few feet from the stage, and were first in line for book signing and photographs. I don't have the professional photos that were taken yet - I expect them to be on line tomorrow....but I digress!!!!

So - Curtis comes out, and totally charms the whole audience...can I just say that he has eyes that could stop a train, and the most beautiful pearly whites I have ever seen? Lemme tell ya ladies....the food wasn't the only thing there that was smokin hot!! And talk about funny....this guy has such a wonderful sense of humor...he had the whole audience rolling - throughout the whole presentation!

ok ok - I'm rambling....long story short - he did two demos, then it was my turn for my five minutes of fame!!! The first two demos had taken up most of his allocated time, so he asked if anyone in the audience had a stop watch, and made a bet that he could complete his beef stir fry in 5 minutes or he would stay and cook everyone dinner =) I couldn't believe one spoke up...and I thought to myself...damn ladies!!! Everyone of you has a smartphone - don't you know they have stopwatches on there? Of course I took no time volunteering - and before you know it - I was being helped on stage - holding the hand of that beautiful Curtis Stone!!! And girls....are you ready for this??? The first thing he said to me was "Hello Gorgeous - by the way - I LOVE YOUR SHOES!!!" ARE YOU FLIPPING KIDDING ME???? At that very moment I thought to myself....then you should come home with me and see the OTHER 77 pairs I have!! You would love them!!! I was thanking the good lord at that moment that I made that trip to Dot' is TRUE! With the right pair of shoes, a girl CAN accomplish anything!!!! So - there you have it - there I was, on stage, flirting and laughing and hamming it up with Curtis Stone, and timing him to make sure he finished his stir fry in 5 minutes! I hafta tell ya - it was the experience of a lifetime - and when he finished it (in 4 min 55 seconds) he even FED it to me!! Hugs and 2 kisses and off I went, to spend the rest of the day in complete bliss!!

I only have 1 photo to share right now as my daughter hasnt posted the rest of them yet....but here ya go gals!! Eat your hearts out!! Sorry - I don't really mean that - I wish each and every one of you could have been sooooo would have loved this man!!

Anywho....thank you so much to Tanger outlets for putting on the event, and a huge thank you with all the love I can give to my baby girl for giving me this once in a lifetime experience!! And to Curtis Stone - you have officially replaced Aaron Lewis as man of my dreams....You Rawk!!!!

Head outta the clouds and back to work....****sigh****Happy Monday Sisters!!!